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Therapy in Greenville SC

Compassionate therapy that heals from the inside, out.

Life doesn’t look or feel the way you wish it did.

Do you ever find yourself saying, “Parenthood is not what I thought it would be like” or “I'm just so overwhelmed, and I feel trapped”? You're not alone.

  • Parenting is hard, and sometimes our expectations are not always met with what we think parenting might look like.

  • Moments from our past have the ability to impact our present if our inner self has unresolved conflict.

  • Do you feel overwhelmed and have difficulty figuring out what to do next? I’m here to help.

I’m Alexandra.

I believe you deserve relief from pain and hope for healing.

I am here to support and help you navigate the turbulence of life’s challenges with a mix of science-backed techniques and a lot of compassion and empathy.

Together, we’ll dive into the messy, beautiful adventure of self-discovery, sprinkled with laughter, tears, and maybe a few “aha!”moments along the way.

How I can help

I specialize in therapy for lasting change.

  • The pregnancy and postpartum period can be quite challenging, for both men and women. There are a lot of changes from roles, to hormones, to schedules, oh, and adding a new baby into the mix.

  • Relationships are hard! Do you notice yourself having an increase sense of anxiety or depression, or trauma responses, around relationships? Are you finding yourself questioning, “why am I reacting this way?”. These are things that we can dive into and work toward processing.

  • Have you found yourself with a diagnosis of ADHD and wonder “what even is ADHD?”? I am here to help you understand more about yourself, and connect you with resource that will be beneficial to you.

  • Navigating infertility feels like riding an emotional rollercoaster, where each twist and turn brings moments of hope and disappointment. Fealty challenges can present many unknowns.

How it works

Life is stressful enough right now. Let me make this part as easy as possible.

Ready to dive in? Let’s do this! Click this link to contact me for a free, confidential consultation.

You’re not alone.

You’re not alone.