Let’s help you build skills that will actually feel helpful.

ADHD can feel complicated.

What does adhd look like?

ADHD symptoms can include…

  • Struggling to maintain focus on a task

  • Difficulty listening to others and interrupting others when they speak

  • Struggling to be on time and/or attend scheduled obligations

  • Irritability

  • Consistent procrastination on tasks and day-to-day activities

  • Making small, but consistent, mistakes

  • Sometimes, individuals can also struggle with emotional regulation

  • Forgetfulness

ADHD is often times present in conjunction with another disorder, like anxiety or depression. Genetics also play a large role in the presence of ADHD.

You’ve tried everything you can think of to “do better”, but nothing’s sticking.

Maybe you’ve been to therapy before, but still find yourself struggling to manage the challenges that come with ADHD. From difficulty focusing to feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks, ADHD can impact various aspects of life, leaving you feeling frustrated and exhausted. You're not alone. Recognizing the unique ways ADHD affects you is the first step towards finding effective strategies to navigate its challenges and reclaim control over your life.

But you’re still feeling…

Frustrated with yourself due to impulsivity, lack of focus, or forgetfulness

Feeling a lack of energy, due to constant mental overload

Overwhelmed by by daily tasks or struggling to keep up at work or at home

Therapy for ADHD is and can be effective for you.

Through research and evidence-based techniques, I can help you gain the appropriate skills and knowledge in order to manage your ADHD in a way that works for you.

  • Therapy offers practical strategies and support for individuals with ADHD to manage symptoms and improve daily functioning. Through collaborative goal-setting and personalized techniques, therapy helps individuals develop skills such as organization and impulse control while providing a supportive environment to address challenges and enhance overall well-being

  • In therapy for ADHD, you can expect us to work together to address specific challenges related to your symptoms. We'll focus on practical strategies to improve organization, time management, and impulse control. I'll help you gain insight into how ADHD affects your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and together, we'll develop personalized coping techniques to manage symptoms effectively. Therapy provides a supportive space for you to express concerns, set goals, and receive guidance on navigating the daily challenges of living with ADHD. Overall, my goal is to empower you to develop skills and strategies to enhance your overall well-being and quality of life.

  • The supportive environment of therapy also provides validation, encouragement, and accountability, which can enhance motivation and resilience in facing ADHD-related challenges. Overall, therapy for ADHD empowers individuals to take control of their lives, develop resilience, and improve their overall well-being and quality of life.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

That having ADHD does not define you, and with the right support, strategies, and resources, you have the ability to thrive and achieve your goals.

What we’ll work on

With learning more about you and your ADHD, you can…

Gain knowledge and education about ADHD

Learn how ADHD presents for you, and how it can differ for each person

Gain new coping skills that are tailored to you and your ADHD symptoms

Learn about resources available from providers to books to blogs

Your story is welcome here.

Your story is welcome here.